Julia Kloiber from the Open Knowledge Foundation invited me to join her talk for this year’s re:publica on Civic Tech — i.e., how civic volunteers can help shape the way local governments improve on their E-Government, Open Data and E-Participation projects. I might look like I was grumpy in the video – in fact, I am very glad about having been offered this opportunity to outline a few of the good practises we found out to work in Ulm — Thanks again, Julia 🙂
The talk is already online, and I took the liberty to create a link list to the sites and projects we mentioned:
Link list:
- (1:30) A definition for civic innovation
- (2:02) 3-1-1 Extensions based on Open311
- Chicago Service Tracker, Frontend to Chicago’s 311 service
- (Not explicitly mentioned) Open311 has been implemented in Germany: Bonn, Giessen, Siegburg (source)
- (2:50) OpenSpending
- (6:32) Tim O’Reilly: Government as a platform
- (7:20) “This Lady“ from Cologne 😉
- (9:46) Helsinki as a best practise example
- (11:50) DIY Transit Display in Ulm
- Local transit got real-time information through the RUDY research project in the early 2000s
- The transit authority (DING) uses EFA, which has a XML interface. Documentation (in German)
- Smartphone-compatible frontend to this interface (see also)
- (13:31) Reinvent nyc.gov hackathon
- (14:00) The Code for America Brigade
- (14:41) Chicago Flu Shot App
- (15:14) CyclePhilly
- Article on technical.ly
- First deployed in San Francisco (not first, but also in Atlanta, my mistake)
- (15:40) CfA Fellowships
- (16:50) Philadelphia Fellowship Team
- (17:00) Boston Public Schools
- (18:09) Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics
- (19:40) Laboratorio para la ciudad
- (23:15) Ulm again
- OpenCityCamps 2012 and 2013
- Temporary data publishing through ulmAPI.de → now on the official daten.ulm.de
- (24:15) Kleiner Spatz: Kindergarten finder map
- Int’l OpenDataDay
- Our city contact: @geichris and Lucia Erdt
- (26:15) Open Transit Map (fork it on github!)
- GTFS schedules from SWU (Ulm transit authority)
- tba: How it was done (part of my diploma thesis 🙂 )
- (28:50) Code for Germany
Is there something missing? Anything to expand upon? You disagree with anything? Please, do comment! 🙂
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