Ueber Micromanagement

Ich vergleiche die operative Arbeit in Teams (vor allem im studentischen Umfeld, angefangen von Erstsemestereinfuehrungen bis zu Uniparties) gerne mit dem, was wir so bei der Feuerwehr gelehrt bekommen — Gruppengroesse, Fuehrungsstruktur, Kommunikation, es gibt genuegend Analogien. Und es ist erstaunlich, wie schnell man anhand der dort gemachten Erfahrungen erkennt, wer gut fuehren kann und wer nicht.

Man kann diese Erkenntnisse natuerlich immer wieder aufs Neue gewinnen, indem man irgendetwas gegen die Wand faehrt. Das ist spektakulaer, das bleibt im Gedaechtnis — bis nach so etwa vier Jahren die naechste Studigeneration an der Reihe ist, ihre eigenen Fehler zu machen 😉

Man kann sich aber auch an historischen Beispielen orientieren:

It was in Vietnam that the centralization of control reached its apex, with the White House dictating bombing targets and division and brigade commanders playing „squad leader“ in the sky.“ We reached a condition in which the chain of command was in a state of dysfunction. I have always maintained that a chain of command must function from the bottom up as well as from the top down — with every squad leader making squad leader decisions and reporting to his platoon leader, „Here’s what I found, here’s what I did, and here’s why I did it.“ When squad leaders have someone telling them not only what to do but also how to do it, they stop being leaders, and so do platoon leaders and company commanders. Initiative is stymied, and decision making is replaced by waiting to be told. Combat action becomes tentative, and military action bogs down.

In Vietnam many low-level commanders were subject to a hornet’s nest of helicopters carrying higher commanders calling for information, offering advice, making unwanted decisions and generally interfering with what squad leaders and platoon leaders and company commanders were trying to do. There is no more effective way to destroy the leadership potential of young officers and noncommissioned officers than to deny them opportunities to make decisions appropriate for their assignments.

Auch wenn man sich mit friedlicheren Dingen beschaeftigt: Die Lektion sollte sitzen. (Siehe auch Commander’s Intent)


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