Kleine Randnotizen zur Verdaechtigensuche in Boston: Die Suche nach zwei Verdaechtigen fuehrte mal eben dazu, eine komplette Grossstadt buchstaeblich herunterzufahren, „zum Schutz der BuergerInnen“ – mit Ausnahme von Donutshops fuer die Verpflegung der Polizei (sic!).
Security Theater in Reinstform, findet unter anderem Popehat:
That said, a large percent of the reaction in Boston has been security theater. „Four victims brutally killed“ goes by other names in other cities.
In Detroit, for example, they call it „Tuesday“.
…and Detroit does not shut down every time there are a few murders.
In dieselbe Kerbe schlaegt der Metronaut, der einen Guardian-Artikel zitiert:
[..] by letting one fugitive terrorist shut down a major American city, Boston not only bowed to outsize and irrational fears, but sent a dangerous message to every would-be terrorist – if you want to wreak havoc in the United States, intimidate its population and disrupt public order, here’s your instruction booklet.
Neben dem wirtschaftlichen Schaden, der vermutlich im mehrstelligen Millionen-USD-Bereich liegen duerfte, beklagt Popehat nicht zuletzt auch die irrsinnige Ineffizienz der Methode, paramilitaerisch auftretende Polizeihundertschaften das betroffene Gebiet durchkaemmen zu lassen:
Third, keeping citizens off the street meant that 99% of the eyes and brains that might solve a crime were being wasted. […] It was thousands of citizen photographs that helped break this case, and it was a citizen who found the second bomber. Yes, that’s right – it wasn’t until the stupid lock-down was ended that a citizen found the second murderer […]
We had thousands of police going door-to-door, searching houses…and yet not one of them saw the evidence that a citizen did just minutes after the lock-down ended.